ASAM Open X Ontology Overview

What is ASAM Open X Ontology?

ASAM Open X Ontology is an ongoing project started in April 2020 to create a domain model of road traffic using ontology. It defines the concept of load traffic. The created domain model serves as a common basis for the ASAM OpenX standard (Open Scenario, Open Drive, Open CRG, OSI, OpenLabel, OpenODD).

(Relationship between Open Ontology and each Open X standard. Source: ASAM)
The following is an example of the concept that the domain model covers. The domain model defines entity definitions, required/optional attributes of entities, relationships between entities, atomic operations at an abstract level, etc.

The domain model will be divided into 5 or 6 layers and will cover the layers defined in the Pegasus project. Ontologies are divided into three categories: Core, Domain, and Application.
Road infrastructure:
  • Temporary infrastructure such as construction work
  • Traffic participants
  • Transportation objects such as signs
  • Description of environment such as weather and time
  • Objects of interest
  • Scenario label

Relationship with standardization by other organizations

ASAM Open X Ontology is considering using the following standards:

  • W3C Semantic Web: Utilization of Web Ontology Language (OWL).
  • ISO704: For domain modeling, take the same approach method as ISO704.
  • ISO15926: Considering the use of ISO15926 as a higher-level ontology.

Use Case

The following use cases are considered in ASAM Open X Ontology.
  • Scenario description
  • Foundation for defining common ASAM OpenX concepts
  • Language base of stakeholders Natural language interface
  • Semantic error checking
  • Semantic search and matching
  • Creating an application-specific ontology by extending the core ontology
  • Common core ontology for data analysis
  • Classification using logical reasoning

A user

The domain model covers the following user perspectives and sets goals for each.
A User User definition Target
Test engineer
  • Run the test case
  • Participate in DVP&R (design
    verification/verification plan and report)
  • Use scenarios defined by standard ontologies
    that can be interpreted by various driving
    simulators and XIL devices
Exchange of well-defined data
Run test cases on different platforms
Use of natural/intuitive language
Developer of the
ASAM standard
Engineers with automotive or software experience
participating in the ASAM project to implement or
extend the ASAM OpenX standard.
Create guidelines that describe how
Open X Ontology interacts with other
Open X standards.
Ontology experts,
Ontology specialists and managers with
backgrounds such as software engineering and
Develop an extensible domain model
that can be used by many stakeholders
in various programming environments
and subdomains
Label annotator
A person who creates or edits labels (objects and
scene classes and attributes) related to the scene
Create accurate and searchable labels for
machine learning, XiL ground truth and
scene databases
Public domain users
Non-ASAM users who want to access Open X data
Adopt Rest API and support data formats
such as RDF, RDF-S, OWL, JSON
Providing guidelines on API creation
methods using technologies such as
Tool developer
A person who creates tools for autonomous
driving development
Simulation with ground truth data
Provides a large set of scenarios for
functional testing
Scenario creator
Those who want to create a scenario description
in text (natural language or technical format such
as XML) or graphically
Create/write scenario descriptions as text
or images based on a well-defined core
functional design
A person who creates and reviews specifications
for automobile function development
Data exchange and disambiguation of
Use clear and intuitive natural language
style notation
Shortening development lifecycle time
by avoiding redefinition of internal
Data scientist
A person who supports or makes decision-makers
so that they can make rational decisions based on
Data exchange and disambiguation of
Stay compatible with past versions
ODD Designer
ODD designer
Specify system performance
Specify system architecture based on performance
Clear ODD definition
Derive a scenario from ODD
System design engineer
System and subsystem designers
Specify the function (eg ODD, function/abstract
Specify architecture (system, features, firmware,
hardware, software)
Common understanding (and
traceability) among all relevant engineers
in product development
Foundation of ODD (+functional
scenario) definition
Remove ambiguity when exchanging

What is ASAM?

ASAM is an abbreviation for “International Standardization Organization for Automation and Measurement Systems”. ASAM’s vision is to provide compatibility for all tools in the development process chain and consistency in data exchange.

For details on the visit ASAM organization website.

Our activities at ASAM

This is a timeline focusing on the activities of Japan and ASAM. We participate in OpenX Ontology, OpenScenario1.0, OpenScenario2.0, Open Label as an active member and are implementing standard creation activities. If you would like information about these activities, please feel free to contact us.

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