Case Studies
Case Study On Brix -Lab Digitization
iASYS collaborated with an automotive manufacturer to implement digital transformation platform for lab management(BRIX labmanagement module) for Design Validation Plan, facility scheduling, and report management with an Excel-like usability , creating a connected ecosystem for streamlined communication and task integration, reducing redundancy in engineers’ tasks.
Case Study on Transport Fleet Performance Data Analytics
iASYS has designed an advanced data management system that collects, integrates, and stores fleet data.
This resulted in fast data collection, preprocessing, error reduction, and data-driven decision-making.
Case Study On Pioneering Hydrogen Engine Testing in India
iASYS proposed its Automation Platform, for hydrogen engine testing, demonstrating flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.
This resulted in the successful integration of hydrogen engine testing for research and development applications
Case Study On Facility Resource Utilization and Monitoring
iASYS proposes an application for efficient activity tracking with a comprehensive online dashboard. It
provides real-time utilization data, eliminating the need for constant managerial follow-ups. The
dashboard displays detailed metrics for different activities and equipment-specific utilization, along with
interfaces for issue and asset management, ensuring accuracy.
Case Study on Automation and Upgradation of Farm Equipment Engine Test Bed
iASYS recommended a global testing system aligned with future industry norms for Indian Farm Equipment Manufacturers. This approach ensured accessibility and flexibility while integrating with their existing setup, maximizing cost-effectiveness. As a result, the company overcame testing challenges, increased efficiency, enhanced safety, and prepared for evolving industry standards.
Centralized Design Validation Plan (DVP) and Automation.
The iASYS designed a workflow engine that enables end users to independently create their own customized processes. This system includes a flexible notification feature, providing a comprehensive view of all process stages, which in turn enhances team communication and allocation of responsibilities. This improvement results in faster and more informed decision-making within departments, ultimately leading to an enhanced overall experience for end customers.
Case Study on EV 2-Wheeler Chassis Test Platform for R&D
iASYS collaborated with an automotive manufacturer and proposed software that enables effortless CAN data mapping to provide a comprehensive eco-friendly solution. The primary focus was on meeting rigorous EPA standards and providing tailor-made software for precise component management
Case Study on Workflow Automation
iASYS developed an application that integrates with vehicle automation systems the application enhanced the certification process by digitizing calculations and process flows, resulting in a more streamlined procedure.
Case Study on Lab and Test Data Management
iASYS streamlined planning and scheduling process successfully reduced the time and effort required for preparing and scheduling plans in the automotive industry and offered a uniquely designed workflow engine where end users can define processes independently